Street Festival
DATE: 2022
Taking design to the street
When Valencia was designated World Design Capital for 2022, this had to be reflected on the streets of the city. The World Design Street Festival was a Signature Event whose objective was to make the capital globally visible and bring it closer to its people.
Democratisation of design
The biggest challenge facing design is to try to change society’s perception of design as elitist, purely aesthetic and far removed from the common good.
The aim of the World Design Street Festival was to democratise design, bringing it closer to the people. To surprise, bring visibility to the sector and show the importance and versatility of design for society. Repositioning the meanings associated with design, because where today we see exclusivity tomorrow we will see it as a service to the community.
Making design visible in everyday life
The World Design Street Festival sought to encourage people to come across elements of Valencian design by chance in typical everyday places that are familiar to them. The aim was to turn them upside down and reflect spontaneously on their true concept and meaning. This is what we call “Design Windows”.
From here we developed a claim that appeals to the polysemy of the message, to summarise the concept of the festival in a direct phrase that works in the three communication languages of the VWDC22: “Turn it around”, “Dóna-li una volta”, “Date/le una vuelta”.
A festival that also included events such as València Disseny Week (Valencia Design Week), Feria Hábitat, European Mobility Week, Festival Miradors de l’Horta (Festival Viewpoints of the Horticultural Landscape), Open House València, Festival Ensems, Abierto València 2022, the exhibition “10 anys de retorn del sentiment” or “Encuentro Nextextilegeneration: Innovating fashion and circular textile”.
We also considered it relevant to design an element that could be a ‘giveaway’ item for the festival, produced in large quantities, so that anyone could take something away with them, not only from this celebration but also from the regional capital. Called ‘an object of desire’, it had to be functional and sustainable at the same time. Samaruc Estudio, together with Grupo La Plana, designed and developed the piece, which functioned as a stool, to enjoy designs exhibited in the streets of Valencia during the World Design Street Festival.